Thursday, September 3, 2020

Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle Essay -- Kurt

Parody, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle Feline's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut was written in 1963. It is an ironical editorial on present day man and his franticness (back spread). It is a book that counters pretty much every part of our general public. Just as parody, Vonnegut likewise remembers whole-world destroying components for this novel. Parody, the utilization of incongruity, mockery, or disparagement in uncovering, reprimanding, or scorning bad habit or imprudence (Webster 1193), is predominant in Cat's Cradle. Vonnegut hits on numerous parts of human existence with this parody. Government, religion, medication, and business are only a couple of these angles. In concentrating on government, Vonnegut shows us a pioneer (Papa Monzano), who endeavors to make a perfect world, yet simply like in the present society, he makes vows to his kin, and afterward neglects to satisfy them. Unexpectedly he permits the best for himself and his staff, while his kin battle. Also, Vonnegut assaults religion with his own imaginatively made up religion (Bokononism) which is only lies. He demonstrates religion and science to be conflicting where religion is based ...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The witchcraft hysteria Essay Example

The black magic madness Paper In 1692, in Salem Massachusetts, the notion of witches existed in a general public of solid puritan convictions. Anyone who carried on of the standard was blamed for being a witch, and afterward the denounced would really be pardoned on the off chance that they let it out and told the court of any other individual that was with the fallen angel. This was one of the fundamental topics of the play entitled, The Crucible by Arthur Miller. In this play a gathering of little youngsters misbehave and are then blamed for being witches. These young ladies at that point accused others so as to escape inconvenience, and even professed to be charmed before the court during the preliminary. This leads into the passings of some honest individuals who were blamed and consequently saw as blameworthy. I accept, from various perspectives the individuals of Salem were liable for the witch delirium in Salem. The individual with the most impact was Abigail. Abigail had an unsanctioned romance with John Proctor. Elizabeth Proctor, Johns spouse, at that point terminated Abigail. Abigail was desirous in view of Johns absence of consideration. So Abigail, a couple of different young ladies, and a worker from the Caribbean named Tituba moved around in the forested areas trusting a spell would execute Proctors spouse. Reverend Parris, Abigails uncle, sees them and reports them to the courts. When Abigail is interrogated regarding this, she denies the allegations however doesnt come clean about what was going on.The updates on Abigail and different young ladies bizarre conduct gets around and the mania begins. Without Abigails strange notion and her dread of coming clean, I figure the occasions in The Crucible would not have become as genuine as they did or even began. John Proctor was another instigator of the witch mania in Salem. Delegate adds to the madness when he and his better half were discussing Abigail and why she is acting so strangely. In spite of the fact that John Proctor r ealizes she is making up everything and accusing blameless individuals, he is relu

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Enormous Bronze Age Shang Dynasty Capital of Yin

The Enormous Bronze Age Shang Dynasty Capital of Yin Anyang is the name of a cutting edge city in Henan Province of eastern China that contains the vestiges of Yin, the huge capital city of the late Shang Dynasty (1554 - 1045 BC). In 1899, several luxuriously cut tortoise shells and bull scapulas called prophet bones were found in Anyang. Full-scale unearthings started in 1928, and from that point forward, examinations by Chinese archeologists have uncovered about 25 square kilometers (~10 square miles) of the gigantic capital city. A portion of the English-language logical writing alludes to the remains as Anyang, however its Shang Dynasty occupants knew it as Yin. Establishing Yin Yinxu (or the Ruins of Yin in Chinese) has been distinguished as the capital Yin portrayed in Chinese records, for example, the Shi Ji, in view of the engraved prophet bones which (in addition to other things) archive the exercises of the Shang illustrious house. Yin was established as a little neighborhood on the south bank of the Huan River, a tributary of the Yellow River of focal China. At the point when it was established, a previous settlement called Huanbei (now and then alluded to as Huayuanzhuang) was situated on the north side of the waterway. Huanbei was a Middle Shang settlement worked around 1350 BC, and by 1250 secured a zone of roughly 4.7 sq km (1.8 sq km), encompassed by a rectangular wall.​ A Urban City In any case, in 1250 BC, Wu Ding, the 21st ruler of the Shang Dynasty {ruled 1250-1192 BC], made Yin his capital. Inside 200 years, Yin had ventured into a tremendous urban focus, with an expected populace of somewhere close to 50,000 and 150,000 individuals. The remains incorporate more than 100 beat earth castle establishments, various private neighborhoods, workshops and creation territories, and burial grounds. The urban center of Yinxu is the castle sanctuary locale at the center called Xiaotun, covering roughly 70 hectares (170 sections of land) and situated at a twist in the waterway: it might have been isolated from the remainder of the city by a discard. More than 50 smashed earth establishments were found here during the 1930s, speaking to a few bunches of structures which had been constructed and modified during the citys use. Xiaotun had a first class private quarter, regulatory structures, special raised areas, and a familial sanctuary. A large portion of the 50,000 prophet bones were found in pits in Xiaotun, and there were likewise various conciliatory pits containing human skeletons, creatures, and chariots. Private Workshops Yinxu is broken into a few particular workshop regions that contain proof of jade antiquity creation, the bronze throwing of instruments and vessels, ceramics making, and bone and turtle shell working. Various, enormous bone and bronze working zones have been found, sorted out into a system of workshops that were heavily influenced by a progressive ancestry of families. Particular neighborhoods in the city included Xiamintun and Miaopu, where bronze throwing occurred; Beixinzhuang where bone items were prepared; and Liujiazhuang North where serving and capacity stoneware vessels were made. These regions were both private and modern: for instance, Liujiazhuang contained earthenware creation flotsam and jetsam and ovens, scattered with slammed earth house establishments, internments, reservoirs, and other private highlights. A significant street drove from Liujiazhuang to the Xiaotun castle sanctuary region. Liujiazhuang was likely a heredity based settlement; its faction name was discovered engraved on a bronze seal and bronze vessels in a related graveyard. Demise and Ritual Violence at Yinxu A huge number of tombs and pits containing human remains have been found at Yinxu, from enormous, expand illustrious entombments, refined graves, regular graves, and bodies or body parts in conciliatory pits. Custom mass killings especially connected with eminence were a typical piece of Late Shang society. From the prophet bone records, during Yins 200-year occupation in excess of 13,000 people and a lot more creatures were yielded. There were two kinds of state-bolstered human penance reported in the prophet bone records found at Yinxu. Renxun or human mates alluded to relatives or hirelings murdered as retainers at the demise of a first class person. They were frequently covered with first class products in singular final resting places or gathering tombs. Rensheng or human contributions were gigantic gatherings of individuals, regularly damaged and beheaded, covered in enormous gatherings generally deficient with regards to grave products. Rensheng and Renxun Archeological proof for human penance at Yinxu is found in pits and tombs found over the whole city. In neighborhoods, conciliatory pits are little in scale, generally creature stays with human forfeits moderately uncommon, most with just one to three casualties for each occasion, albeit every so often they had upwards of 12. Those found at the imperial graveyard or in the royal residence sanctuary complex have included up to a few hundred human forfeits without a moment's delay. Rensheng penances were comprised of pariahs, and are accounted for in the prophet issues that remains to be worked out originate from in any event 13 distinctive adversary gatherings. Over portion of the penances were said to have originated from Qiang, and the biggest gatherings of human penances gave an account of the prophet bones constantly incorporated some Qiang individuals. The term Qiang may have been a classification of adversaries found west of Yin as opposed to a specific gathering; minimal grave products have been found with the entombments. Deliberate osteological investigation of the penances has not been finished starting at yet, yet stable isotope concentrates among and between conciliatory casualties were accounted for by bioarchaeologist Christina Cheung and partners in 2017; they found that the casualties were without a doubt nonlocals. It is conceivable that rensheng penance casualties may have been slaves before their demises; prophet bone engravings archive the oppression of the Qiang individuals and chronicling their contribution in beneficial work. Engravings and Understanding Anyang More than 50,000 recorded prophet bones and a few dozen bronze-vessel engravings dated to the Late Shang time frame (1220-1050 BC) have been recuperated from Yinxu. These archives, together with later, optional writings, were utilized by British prehistorian Roderick Campbell to record in detail the political system at Yin. Yin was, as most Bronze Age urban areas in China, a lords city, worked to the request for the ruler as a made focus of political and strict action. Its center was a regal burial ground and royal residence sanctuary zone. The lord was the genealogy chief, and liable for driving ceremonies including his antiquated progenitors and other living relations in his group. Notwithstanding detailing political occasions, for example, the quantities of conciliatory casualties and to whom they were committed, the prophet bones report the rulers individual and state worries, from a toothache to trim disappointments to divination. Engravings likewise allude to schools at Yin, maybe puts for proficiency preparing, or maybe where students were educated to keep up divination records. Bronze Technology The Late Shang line was at the summit of bronze creation innovation in China. The procedure utilized great forms and centers, which were pre-cast to forestall shrinkage and breaking during the procedure. The molds were made of a genuinely low level of dirt and an as needs be high level of sand, and they were terminated before use to create a high protection from warm stun, low warm conductivity, and a high porosity for sufficient ventilation during throwing. A few huge bronze foundry locales have been found. The biggest recognized to date is the Xiaomintun site, covering an all out region of more than 5 ha (12 air conditioning), up to 4 ha (10 air conditioning) of which have been exhumed. Prehistoric studies in Anyang Until this point in time, there have been 15 periods of unearthings by Chinese specialists since 1928, including the Academia Sinica, and its replacements the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. A joint Chinese-American venture directed unearthings at Huanbei during the 1990s. Yinxu was recorded as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006. Sources Campbell Roderick B, Li Z, He Y, and Jing Y. 2011. Utilization, trade and creation at the Great Settlement Shang: bone-working at Tiesanlu, Anyang. Artifact 85(330):1279-1297.Cheung C, Jing Z, Tang J, Weston DA, and Richards MP. 2017. Diets, social jobs, and land causes of conciliatory casualties at the imperial graveyard at Yinxu, Shang China: New proof from stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur isotope examination. Diary of Anthropological Archeology 48:28-45.Flad R. 2016. Urbanism as innovation in early China. Archeological Research in Asia 2016/09/29.Jin ZY, Wu YJ, Fan AC, Yue ZW, Li G, Li SH, and Yan LF. 2015. Radiance investigation of the underlying, pre-throwing terminating temperatures of dirt shape and center utilized for bronze throwing at Yinxu (13c. BC~11c. BC). Quaternary Geochronology 30:374-380.Smith AT. 2010. The proof for scribal preparing at Anyang. In: Li F, and Prager Banner D, editors. Composing and Literacy in Early China. Seattle: University of Washington Press . p 172-208. Sun W-D, Zhang L-P, Guo J, Li C-Y, Jiang Y-H, Zartman RE, and Zhang Z-F. 2016. Birthplace of the puzzling Yin-Shang bronzes in China showed by lead isotopes. Logical Reports 6:23304.Wei S, Song G, and He Y. 2015. The distinguishing proof of restricting specialist utilized in late Shang Dynasty turquoise-inlayed bronze items uncovered in Anyang. Diary of Archeological Science 59:211-218.Zhang H, Merrett DC, Jing Z, Tang J, He Y, Yue H, Yue Z, and Yang DY. 2016. Osteoarchaeological Studies of Human Systemic Stress of Early Urbanization in Late Shang at Anyang, China. PLOS ONE 11(4):e0151854.Zhang H, Merrett DC, Jing Z, Tang J, He Y, Yue H, Yue Z, and Yang DY. 2017. Osteoarthritis, work division, and word related specialization of the Late Shang China - bits of knowledge from Yinxu (ca. 1250-1046 B.C

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

SAT Tutoring Approaches with Manoah Finston

This week we're spotlighting Manoah Finston, who joined the Cmabridge Coaching team in New York in 2012as an SAT, SAT II, and subject tutor. He's mentored high school students for over a decade and is sure to give great advice on SAT tutoring approaches. What’s helpful about working with a private tutor for the SAT? Although the SAT might be the mother of all standardized tests, there is nothing standard about how students experience it. Every test-taker approaches the SAT with a different brain, different strengths, different problem areas, different life circumstances, different senses of humor... The value of a private tutor lies in not simply engaging someone to build a relationship with the student, but in having the tutor facilitate the student's relationship with the test. A capable tutor learns how students learn, and then develops a personal strategy that adapts to the unique profile of each student. That degree of attention and care leads to levels of impactful problem solving that can't be found in a book, a video, or a test-prep lecture course. What’s your overall philosophy to teaching the SAT? I always begin with a mantra, and I want my students to really commit to what the mantra says: "The SAT is nothing more than a bundle of skills-based questions. The SAT has no surprises. If I master the skills, I will master the test. It is only a test. It does not evaluate any dimension of me as a human being. If I master the skills, I will master the test." Once we're on the same page with the mantra, then we start building skills and stamina. What’s your approach to teaching the reading section? A lot of the trouble that students have with SAT reading comprehension comes from reading in an unstructured way. My approach emphasizes strategies for structured reading that improve both comprehension and time-management. I work with students to immediately identify which words in the questions are most important, and how they connect to the most important words and phrases in the passages. I also work on strategies for optimizing note-taking, quickly summarizing paragraphs, and getting inside the mind of the writer. I also work a lot on assisting students with identifying the differences between implicit and explicit information in the passages, which helps students separate facts from assumptions. What’s your approach to teaching the writing section? I spend a lot of time teaching students the fundamentals of English grammar, because I find that they often haven't been sufficiently exposed to this material in school. I want all of my students to be good writers and good grammarians first, and good test-takers second. So we put in the time to develop a strong foundation with proper grammar and elements of style. Then, we use those skills to work through the kinds of sentence errors that recur constantly on the SAT: Singular v. Plural; Confused Antecedent; Subject-Verb Agreement; Independent v. Dependent Clause; Tense Problem; Punctuation Problem. Students can then use these skills for the rest of their lives as confident, capable writers and editors. What’s your approach to teaching the math section? I often start by reminding my students that the SAT has a finite number of question types as well as a limited bag of "tricks" and "traps." With this in mind, I review the essentials of mathematics--operations, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability and combinatorics. Then, we start working through all of the "tricks" that one might encounter in questions from each area of math. I emphasize that the SAT math section has more to do with pattern recognition and general problem solving than it does with raw mathematical ability: once students are trained to recognize what kind of problem they have and what trick or trap is being deployed, they can easily move towards the right kind of solution. But this is not to suggest that I don't teach my students the actual math underneath it all -- rather, I help them use their math knowledge more strategically. What’s your approach to teaching the essay? Writing a good essay comes down to two factors: managing time, and answering the question. As simple as they might seem, these factors give students a world of trouble. I help students understand how to most directly address the essay prompt, while also generating powerful examples and structuring solid arguments. I also work with students on developing organizational strategies for getting their words and ideas down on paper with both speed and precision. What are the three most important things you think all SAT students should know? 1.) The mantra I shared above. 2.) That thetest ends up being an endurance race more than an assessment of any mental ability, and that students should accordingly make sure that they are training their bodies for the SAT as well as their minds: Are they used to waking up that early on a Saturday morning? Have they learned to be comfortable sitting still for that long? Do they have a system for taking micro-breaks in the middle of sections to avoid fatigue? Are they eating and drinking enough at breaks? All of these factors go into a strong performance on test day, beyond the myriad mental and emotional preparations. 3.) It gets better. When this is all done and the score reports are sent, you'll have the rest of your life to never talk about the SAT again. What’s the most common SAT fear you see among incoming students? Time and time again, I see students afraid of the test score somehow determining every subsequent aspect of their lives -- where they can apply to college, where they will be accepted, what academic outcomes they will have down the line, what their job prospects will become, how successful they will be... All of this is of course very far off from what the test actually measures, and all of it has very little to do with the test itself. I remind students first and foremost that the SAT is a small part of the college admissions process (and getting smaller!), and that fundamentally, colleges don't want to admit numbers, but real live human beings. I urge students to put away their anxiety about the test swallowing them whole, and instead focus on the holistic application, where they have ample opportunities to reveal just how interesting, multi-dimensional, and not "standard" they really are. Read Manoah's tutor biography: Manoah was born in the Bay Area, raised in New Jersey’s endless suburbs, and educated in the Midwest at the University of Chicago. At UChicago, Manoah earned two honors Bachelor’s degrees in English and French language and literature. He was admitted into Phi Beta Kappa as a junior and graduated in 2007. In 2009, after two years of work in theintellectual property world,he entered New York University’s doctoral program in French literature. Over the last decade, Manoah has mentored, taught, and tutored many high school, college, and post-college students in fields ranging from SAT and SAT-II prep to French Literature to Political Philosophy. As an adjunct instructor at New York University, Manoah teaches a variety of undergraduate courses in the humanities in both French and English, a gig he describes as the best job in the world. When not reading or teaching (in tweed jacket and tie), Manoah can be found rowing, running or cooking. Looking to work with our SATtutorManoah Finston in New York? Feel free toget in touch! Cambridge Coaching offers private in-person tutoring in New York City and Boston, and online tutoring around the world. ;

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Vampires Are Becoming An Important Figure Of Modern...

Vampires are becoming an important figure in modern culture through the showing of television shows, movies, and novels. Most people think vampires are immortal creatures that suck blood from people and rise from the dead. Many people are not aware of the people in the world that consider themselves vampires. They are real, and they have formed communities. A real vampire is someone who identifies themselves as a vampire. These are not the vampires from the myths and folklore. There really is no definition of a vampire. Some drink blood to sustain their health; and others do not. They are not all the same; they do what they believe in, not what everyone else does. To try and understand vampirism, one must consider the experiences of the individual vampire and the larger vampire community. There are many different classifications of people involved within the vampire community. The first classification is â€Å"fangdom†. This is a diverse group that loves variety or fiction gen res such as Vampire Diaries and Twilight. Many will costume play their characters at fan gatherings. The second classification is the scholars. These are people who study the modern vampire culture and mythology. They don’t identify themselves as vampires, but they are a definite part of the vampire community. Another classification is the roleplayers. These people are lovers of live action roleplay, or LARP. They act out as their characters at nightclubs, hotel spaces, and gaming conventions. The fourthShow MoreRelatedVampires Real?1083 Words   |  5 PagesVampires Are Real With today’s media a fascination with monsters has risen to an all-time high. One monster in particular, though, has become the center point for all attention, the vampire. Many believe the existence of vampires is just a myth. One valid arguments of non-believers is that if vampires did exist, wouldn’t they have depleted their food source? Early legends of vampires are supported by the belief that people suffering from a deadly, but rare, blood disease not vampirism. BelieversRead MoreThe Mystery Of Vampires From Folklore Tales1622 Words   |  7 Pagesmonsters have been a part of culture since the dawn of mankind. Over time, these gothic entities transformed into specific characters with names, features, and appearances. One particular monster that sustained themselves over time have been vampires. In fact, stories of vampires have been with civilization for centuries. The exact origin of vampires is unknown and there have been many speculations and theories of these monsters’ origins. Many scholars believe that vampires originated from folkloreRead MoreEssay on Dracula and the Modern Vampire1622 Words   |  7 PagesDracula, the original vampire. Bram Stoker’s famous novel Dracula, which was written in 1897, started the vampire craze that still lasts today. It has sparked numerous novels, movies, and songs across the world through the year, and its popularity is still growing. As times have changed, so have Dracula and his predecessors. Dracula is about Count Dracula meeting this human Jonathan Harker for business and Jonathan along with his friends learn that Count Dracula is a vampire. In the end Count DraculaRead MoreTwilight: Gender Representations and Sexuality in Vampire Tales1073 Words   |  5 PagesTwilight: Gender Representations and Sexuality in Vampire Tales For a long time, storytellers used the bloodsucking undead to portray a sexual deviant. Wilson acknowledged that the vampire theme is first found as a popular reaction of Polidoris story in 1819 (579). The Twilight Saga, a romantic sci-fi movie adaptation of modern vampires, has grossed over $3.3 billion in worldwide sales, states Wikipedia (Par 1). The primary element that holds the audiences attention is the sexual tension betweenRead MoreDracula by Bram Stoker: Modern Man to Enduring Romance1688 Words   |  7 Pagespowerful, brilliant masculine figure, and through these characteristics, he appeals to the contemporary reader. By the late 20th and early 21st century, vampires have been transformed into creatures that offer endless happiness and immortality on earth. Such a transformation can be seen in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1992 production of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Instead of viewing the Faustian dream of endless self-gratification and fulfillment as potentially ev il, popular culture depicts these satanic creaturesRead MoreInverted Gender Roles: Dracula by Bram Stoker1465 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Victorian man and woman are inverted to draw attention to the similarities between Dracula and the characters. Vague to a majority of readers, Bram Stoker uses Dracula as a negative connotation on society being that the values of the Victorian culture are inverted amongst the sexes of characters, thus pointing out the similarities of the characters and the so called â€Å"monster† which they call Dracula. Bram Stoker’s use of gender inversion is first evident in the novel when Dracula’s voluptuousRead MoreThe Anxieties Of Modernity In Frankenstein And Dracula981 Words   |  4 Pagestend to surface through important themes, characters and settings. Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley in 1818 and Dracula written by Bram Stoker in 1897 both share this characteristic by working through the anxieties of modernity, here meaning â€Å"the condition of being modern† , specifically between new world science and technology versus old world spirituality and faith. This manifests predominantly as the old traditional values of Europe contrasting with the rapid and modern changes within EnglandRead MoreMosters Misunderstood: How Fear Creates the Moster Archetype in Myhology2105 Words   |  9 Pagesthose people or cultures that we fear or do not understand. This can be seen throughout time, but the most noticeable ones are: the myth of vampires, especially Dracula, from E astern Europe, the urban legends that surround homosexuals, and the stereotypes that society has about the Muslim religion. The Vampires: Fathers of Monster Myth One of the most interesting and misunderstood cultures is that of the Eastern Europeans and, most notably, the myths of the vampires. Vampire myth has its greatestRead More Sex and Sexuality in Dracula Essay2477 Words   |  10 Pagesconfronts Victorian fears of homosexuality; that were current at the time due to the trial of playwright Oscar Wilde. The vampires embrace could also be interpreted as an illustration of Victorian fears of the changing role of women. Therefore it is important to consider: the historical context of the novel; the Victorian notion of the `New Woman specifically the character of Lucy Westenra; the inversion of gender roles; notions of sexuality; and the emasculation of men, by lessening their power overRead MoreThe New Vampire: Bram Stokers Dracula and Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire2047 Words   |  9 PagesThe vampire has been a mysterious and enticing figure since its entrance into popular culture, usually regarded as the tale Dracula written i n 1897 by Bram Stoker. Stoker, and later Anne Rice, as well as many other writers and directors have capitalized on the fascination the public has with these dark creatures of the night. Whether they are in books or on the big screen vampires capture our imagination, tantalizing us with a taste of the darker side of life. But if vampires are so dark and so

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Music Of Music Sampling - 1684 Words

Introduction In the musical sense, sampling is when a segment of music is taken from an original recording and is inserted, sometimes repetitively, in a new recording. A sample can be any type of media that is pre-recorded, from classical pieces of music, to rock guitar riffs. The origins of music sampling predate the 1980 s, when hip-hop was first brought on the scene. Some say that sampling has been around much longer than some think, steering to the fact that jazz musicians have always imitated each other s riffs. In 1961, after being influenced by many other musicians who had experimented with sound and recording, James Tenney took it a step further by talking an existing popular song and changing it completely. His â€Å"Collage #1† took Elvis Presley s recording of â€Å"Blue Suede Shoes†, took out sections, swapping them with others and played them along with the tempo of the song. Many could argue that this was the beginning of music sampling. Although that was the beginning , music sampling has only gained mainstream popularity through the Hip-hop/rap and electronic genres. Even though sampling is a very popular thing to do now in the digital age, it doesn t come without it s complications. These include many claiming that sampling is unoriginal and doesn t need any musical creativity. Nevertheless, there are many points to counter-act these arguments including, generating interest for unknown music and encouraging musical experimentation. In this essay I willShow MoreRelatedSampling Has Changed The Music Industry1114 Words   |  5 PagesSampling is a technique that many artists have used for decades, when given the opportunity to record a new track. Sampling has transformed the music industry, by allowing an artist to broaden their horizons, and give people the ability to have a different outlook towards a particular song. Often times when a producer is trying to assist the artist or group, they will present the artist with many beats and mixes. O f the beats and mixes provided, a few of them may be a sample of another artist’s workRead MoreHip-Hop Culture Essay987 Words   |  4 Pagesa significant influence in the music industry. Hip-hop music generally includes rapping, but other elements such as sampling and beatboxing also play important roles. Rapping, as a key part in the hip-hop music, takes different forms, which including signifying, dozen, toast and jazz poetry. Initially, hip-hop music was a voice of people living in low-income areas, reflecting social, economic and political phenomenon in their life [1]. As time moves on, hip-hop music reached its â€Å"golden age†, whereRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of Payola1392 Words   |  6 Pageshave had their music stolen, royalties shorted, and have been lied to about the potential for riches and fame. In addition, record labels have tried to take shortcuts to profitability through scams, fraud and even bribery. Two ethical issues continue to persist within the industry. The first ethical issue is Payola, the practice of a compensating a media outlet, such as a radio or TV station, for playing an artist’s work by the artist’s record label. The second issue is illegal sampling, the practiceRead MoreEssay on MP3 and Music - Digital Recording and Distribution1598 Words   |  7 Pageslisteners consider the practice of buying digital loops of music for use in compositions completely acceptable.   Over the past two decades, the implementation of computers in the recording industry has greatly lessened the cost of high quality recording.   This reduction in cost has elicited an extreme change in the music recording process: Instead of spending hours and thousands of dollars in the studio, musicians can now record high quality music in their own homes.   While conferring recording powerRead MoreCan You Own a Sound?900 Words   |  4 Pagesyou think Happy Birthday is a copy right? We listen to music today and hear either the same beat or bits of pieces of someone else’s song on a different album. So, I ask this question again can you own a sound. When did sampling get popular? Sampling is the act of taking a portion of a song. The rapper Ice Cube recorded a song about sampling. Some people sued others for sampling, because it was either their beat or their lyrics. Sampling gained in the 1960’s. Once it started it caught people’sRead MoreMusic in Video Games1382 Words   |  6 PagesMusic In Video Games Throughout the history of the video game industry, there has been many changes concerning music in video games. Music in video games progressed greatly within the life of the industry from 1972 to the present. These progressions can be seen as improvements in quality which includes an increase in the number of output channels, an increase in song length, a great improvement in the quality of timbres, and also a general shift from non- programmatic music to programmatic musicRead More Music In Video Games Essay1361 Words   |  6 Pages Music In Video Games nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Throughout the history of the video game industry, there has been many changes concerning music in video games. Music in video games progressed greatly within the life of the industry from 1972 to the present. These progressions can be seen as improvements in quality which includes an increase in the number of output channels, an increase in song length, a great improvement in the quality of timbres, and also a general shift from non- programmaticRead MoreThe Music Of Electronic Dance Music1215 Words   |  5 PagesTracing as far back as the 1940s when sound pioneers began their own movement known as musique concrete, sampling, evolved from simple sound collage. Now it has evolved to the act of taking a portion of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or sound recording in a different song or piece. Today it has become an integral part of many music genres today. Samples often consist of one part of another song, such as a lyric or rhythm break, and used to create a beat for another song. TheRead MoreI Advocate For The Alteration Of Copyright Law1700 Words   |  7 Pagesis broken. I advocate for the alteration of copyright law as it relates to sampled music. My argument is this: Anybody should be allowed to use any samples they want, but must give credit and a portion of the profits made from the work to the sampled musicians. In The Future of Ideas, Lawrence Lessig puts forth a similar proposal to the one I advocate for, in regards to downloading music files instead of sampling. Lessig states, â€Å"Congress should empower file sharing by recognizing a similar systemRead MoreContract Law and Music Copyright Essay1683 Words   |  7 PagesCONTRACT LAW (MUSIC*) *On what basis does the inclusion of samples of a recording made by *Pink Floyd constitute an infringement of copyright? In civil law regarding copyright, there are two types of infringement; primary and secondary. Primary is concerned with the unauthorised use of copyrighted works and secondary would involve the dealing or making commercial use of such infringing copies. In the music industry, an infringement of copyright often consists of an existing piece of music being used

Marketing Management Food Industry Packaging

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management for Food Industry Packaging. Answer: Introduction Packaging and labeling of products has become one of the most important aspects of an organization. In food industry packaging plays key role for the business and its consumers as it saves the products from microbiological elements, chemical element and physical invasion. Appropriate packaging helps in the promotion and advertisement of products through attractive messages and information displays on the package. It also helps the customers to take decisions and it influences the perception of the customers[1]. Therefore, it also helps to understand the information and ingredients that is important for the customers as they are very much conscious about their health. But nowadays, complicated labeling makes confusion and frustration as they include different labels about which consumers are not aware of. Food labeling is deemed as the most vital source of sharing ingredients as well as information of goods and products being offered in the market. Main context Packaging and labeling considered as most important tool to attract more customers as well as influencing the purchasing decisions of the customers. Nowadays, consumers are very much concern about labeling and packaging that helps them to explore more information and purchasing decision. Large or small scale companies depend on different marketing strategies to promote their products[2]. Every single country is coming up with important rules and regulations and is trying to design laws related packaging and labeling in order to maintain environmental aspects. Consumers are demanding more convenient, environmental friendly, easy to open and low cost packaging for the goods in order to maintain the cost of the product. Marketing, conservation, production along with distribution of products and goods highly depend on right packaging of the products[3]. The Australian along with Sydney Morning Herald has released few cases that have induced the food regulatory boards as well as governmen t to take actions against the companies for misguiding the consumers by their false packaging and labeling, in order to help the consumers by making them aware about the details of the products. Serious cases have the consumers to realize the importance of packaging and labeling.. The contamination of the food determines how the life gets affected with making fake products and thereby the harming of the people takes place around the globe. It also determines the copying of the foods of the Australian brands with the Chinese companies and thereby the consideration of the foods is made[4]. The creation of the mixture of the Chinese companies helps in the creation of the goods that determines the fake products. It also henceforth helps in the determination of the diagrammatical representation of the important concerns that also links the health problems in Australia. Since obesity is the important health factor, thereby the refreshment and the modification of the strict laws that helps in the creation of the unethical works that focuses on the health concerns. Henceforth the creation of the strict laws is seemed to be requisite for the creation of the safety environment with the provision of quality food and thereby the health concerning issues must be focused in order to mitigate them. The issues regarding the food and mitigated with the help of the modification of the foods and thereby the Food chain describes the issues regarding the health concerns are mitigated[5]. The incidents released in media shows the wrong food chain and how they avoids the food ethics and thereby the ethical issues are raised regarding the food labels, packaging, incomplete information and the trust. The provision of this issues clearly indicates the enhancement of the unethical issues and the customers are also focused which helps in identifying the issues regarding the conduct of the unethical issues. It clearly manifests the Australian manifest and the production of the wrong materials also helps in the creation of the strict and the wrong deeds also helps in the creation of the wrong food labeling and thereby the production methods are seemed to be changed with the creation of the purchases system[6]. The production of the fresh food and the creation of the purchase help in the decrement of the issues regarding the food and the safety which thereby also helps in the creation of the food course with the seasonal maintenance. Packaging with the provision of the appropr iate website also helps in providing the correct information to the customers with the consideration of the guidelines for the customers. Appropriate certification also helps in leading the way of fake handling and mitigating the issues are very much appreciable by the public with the enhancement of the growth of the food industry. In this way the ethical labeling of the food seemed to be forming an important factor for the enhancement of the food factories enabling the ethical labeling of the food[7]. Therefore these ethical issues can be mitigated by the transforming factors and also it helps in the formation of the various personal and the health concern factors and also helps in indicating the values of the food labeling and ethical labeling. In todays business context, Leveling and packing is most important factors and playing vital role in the business growth and development of the company as it plays vital role in attracting the customers towards the products. Good packing and leveling attracts the customers so that they encourage buying the products, which improve the sales figure of the company. Labeling and packaging is considered to be one of the major role players as it help to throw light on the company ability to pursue or invade consumer buying ability[8]. Labeling and packaging is considered to be one of the vital roles in determining the overall growth of the company as it is very much considered to be a part of marketing for the company. The product packaging and labeling cost is considered to be vital as the overall cost of the product also get influenced by the amount of the cost included or levied on the company packaging cost. The packaging cost of the company and labeling cost of the company depend on t he amount of concentration and time an organization gives to the team of marketing. With the advent of globalization the consumer become more cautious and focused while buying a product. The company packaging and labeling should include certain key features which includes the overall key information which are required by the company falls under the guideline and code of conduct[9]. Globalization bring a enormous change in the buying aspect, as it drives the focus of the marketing team of the organization to a self service aspect which force the consumer to look for the most best suited product with key specific feature with additional other feature which forces them to go for the product. Labeling and packaging is used for physical protection where the product or the objects is covered or enclosed in the package which is required or needed the protection from the key mechanical shock, vibration or other keys aspect such as temperature or compression. Information transmission also considered to be of the most common uses which are included in the packaging[10]. Marketing is also considered to be one of the significant phenomena where the labeling and packaging plays a vital role which is used by the marketer to enhance and encourage the potential buyer to buy the product. Product graphics and physical appearance of the product plays a significant role in determi ne or providing developing area in the recent times. Convenience is one of the important uses of packaging and labeling as it helps to add the important feature which helps in the key distribution, sales, opening and overall ease of the disposal. Conclusion Barrier protection is considered to be one of the major roles in determine the overall wellness of the product. Security is one of the major reasons for the good packaging and labeling as it create a sense of awareness regarding the product and avoid the mis representation of the product which misleads the consumer regarding the product[11]. Piracy also stopped due to the packaging and labeling as it is now essential to provide a trademark of the company which will help to create a authenticity of the product in long run. Labeling, on the other hand helps to provide a carrier of key information about the product and their related service which is attached with the product label. Thus helps to provide the customer with key information to aid their purchase decision and also helps to improve the overall experience of utilizing the manufactured product. The key information that label consists of the arte the care and use of the production with key suggestion. The nutritional information along with product guarantees is also mentioned in the labeling of the product. References Albert, J,Innovations in food labelling. in , Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010. 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